As of the 1st of June 2020, South Africa headed into level 3 of the Covid 19 lock down.

One of the restrictions that was lifted was that of religious gatherings, subject to strict protocols.

As mentioned on the website:

Washing of hands or sanitization should be undertaken prior to worship and continually in between the service. As such, every place of worship has to ensure that there are sufficient quantities of hand sanitisers available which all attendees are required to use. Places of worship are required to keep a register which must be retained for a period of six months detailing names, contact details, residential address and contact persons

After having spoken to a few religious organisations and community centers, We realized the task of having to record and screen every congregant can become laborious. I pictured someone standing at an entrance and for every person entering, they would manually record the persons name, contact details and temperature.

This procedure might be a breeze for 5 to 10 people but imagine 50 people waiting to enter.

In an attempt to make it a little easier, I quickly whipped up a digital register which allows the person in charge to instantly save the relevant information. These records could then be searched and filtered should the need arise. This searching would be far more efficient then scrolling through stacked of paper records.

The first built application was meant to run without an internet connection. It would be hosted on an office computer that would act as a server, smartphones and tablets would then connect to it via a local wireless network.

After giving it some thought I decided to publish it to my live server just in case a broader need for such a platform arose.

To reduce development time, being free and all, I build the application on-top of a previous Codeigniter project and while its not meant to be pretty or earn any praise, it can work for its intended purposed.

I tried to keep it as simple and user friendly as possible.
The application consists of the following screens:

Home page
Landing Page
This is where you create an account for your organisation
Sign in to your account
Create a person
This page displays a form where you enter the contact details of a person. Once the person is saved onto your register you can create entries.
Search Results
At the bottom of the page is a floating search input. You can search by name, address or contact person. If a more than one match is found, a list of results will be show. If only a single person is found, the complete record of the person will be shown
Manage PersonHere you can edit the contact details of a person

The application is published at Private Covid Screening Register and is free for anyone who finds it useful. I expect the usefulness of the platform to be short-lived so I have no intention of maintaining the project. Give it a go if you like. Log in with username ( and password (demo1) to test it out.

If you have any suggestions or need something similar developed, reach out to me for custom build websites and applications.

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