A list of incompatibility issues related to Codeigniter 3 using Php 8 Sessions issues Sessions and flashdata:system/libraries/Session/Sessions.php go to line 418 and change the code below from this: elseif ($value < $current_time) { unset($_SESSION[$key], $_SESSION['__ci_vars'][$key]); } to this: elseif ($value...
Exporting Google Site 2021/2022
A client of mine created a mockup of his website, I needed to use the images and content from the google site layout into the new project. Having to preview the site on google sites was tedious enough and I...
change woocommerce default placeholder image
Code snippet to change the default image of woocommerce placeholders. add_filter('woocommerce_placeholder_img_src', 'custom_woocommerce_placeholder_img_src'); function custom_woocommerce_placeholder_img_src( $src ) { $upload_dir = wp_upload_dir(); $uploads = untrailingslashit( $upload_dir['baseurl'] ); $path_to_image = '2020/09/preview_image.png'; $src = $uploads . '/'.$path_to_image ; return $src; } Add this code...
Masjid Salaah Time table
This was a quick project for a Salaah (prayer) time table screen. It is a basic program that displays the following information: Salaah times (Fajr, Thurh, Asr, Magrib, Esha and Jumuah)Athaan, Iqaamah and the next days Athaan timeSunrise, Zawaal, and...
Trading Calculator
Trading stocks and commodities. This form calculates profit based on an original investment where the profit is re-invested over x months, similar to compound interest. View form to calculate
CodeIgniter 4 tutorial. Installing CodeIgniter.
CodeIgniter is lightweight, powerful , barebones MVC PHP framework used for developing PHP website. The framework provides the basic stencil as building blocks for to deploy a website.CodeIgniter was originally created and maintained by EllisLab and is now a project...
Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function CodeIgniter\locale_set_default() in C:\xampp\htdocs\CodeIgniter4
Migrating from CI3 to CI4 on a current production enviroment could produce the common error when extension=intl is not enabled in php.ini. To fix this: Open the php.ini file: Uncomment the following line (extension=intl)
Free App, Record Covid-19 Screening Records
As of the 1st of June 2020, South Africa headed into level 3 of the Covid 19 lock down. One of the restrictions that was lifted was that of religious gatherings, subject to strict protocols. As mentioned on the gov.za...
WordPress Plugin Settings Form
WordPress plugins are great for adding additional features to a WordPress site. A good plugin really shines when it allows users to tailor the plugin based on their needs and requirements. Once you've created a plugin menu link and settings...
Create WordPress admin menu for plugin
If you create a WordPress plugin, you may need to be able to configure certain settings or options in the admin dashboard. By adding a WordPress admin menu for your plugin you can alter the behavior or output of your...